All the translations are based on the German version of ""
Für Personen, die sehr gut die deutsche Sprache beherrschen ist dieser Bereich eher ungeeignet weil dieser Bereich sehr unvollständig ist. Ich würde mich aber sehr freuen wenn mich jemand korrigieren oder eines der Seiten der deutschsprachigen Version übersetzen würde.
I'm glad you stopped by. This is a private website of a victim of abuse, and is aimed at people who were also sexually abused in their childhood or were exposed to other forms of domestic violence.
What this website is for: To help those who are also affected and as a source of information for outsiders.
This website already existed from 2000 to 2006 under the domain I took over almost all pages and of course updated them. Of course, a lot of new things have also been added. At that time there were many websites from people who were also affected, but they have all disappeared in recent years.
Even if it is claimed that sexual abuse is no longer a taboo subject, the reality is usually different. There are still too many people who simply look the other way and prefer to let things happen instead of standing up for their fellow human beings. Many people are just afraid to deal with this topic. But I don't want to remain silent any longer, even if these are topics that nobody wants to admit or are "taboo" in society. So I'm writing it down to break this silence. I had to be silent for a long, too long time.
!!!! With this page I would like to encourage other affected people to break their silence as well, or to call on all people to stop looking away when it comes to this topic!!!!